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Art Quilting with Lutradur

The Art Quilt group that I belong to met last Thursday. We meet about every 6-8 weeks and one of our members organizes a program. Often it is a new technique or idea that we try out.

This meeting was working with Lutradur. Lutradur is a 100% polyester, translucent material that has been used on mattress backings. Glenna organized a program to try the various techniques in this book.

To keep us focused she had us pick a vegetable or fruit and write a Haiku about it. Then using the Lutradur with other materials we worked on creating an art quilt about our vegetable.

I picked tomato. I was inspired to pick tomato because I received my Burpee catalog. Of course I live too far north and have too much shade in my yard to actually grow tomatoes. But fresh tomatoes in the summer is one of my very favorite foods. Haiku is

Summer's bounty
Juicy, red, warm, delicious
My mouth watering

This picture shows how far I got in our meeting....

We started by painting the Lutradur, our poems printed on paper in various font, fabric and other things we thought might be good for collage using the colors for our vegetable or fruit.

Then we started creating a collage using these painted items and other materials we brought.

On the left is the beginning of a collage of tomatoes on a vine. The blue background with the green stripe in it was fabric created using painted Wonder Under made in a previous meeting of this group. It is sticky because of the Wonder Under so it is east to create a collage on it. (Always cover with parchment paper to iron on it - unless you happen to like cleaning your iron!)

I used red painted Lutradur to put shading on tomatoes cut from fabric. The top most tomato on the left is just Lutradur - note how translucent it is. The tomato stems and leaves were made by melting the Lutradur with an iron and soldering iron. Lutradur melts/burns at a pretty low heat so you have to be very careful. Also, the fumes of melting Lutradur are toxic so only work on this in a well ventilated area! The melted Lutradur is very dimensional and stiff so it makes great stems.

We didn't get to try all the techniques in the book at the meeting so there is much more try out at home.

I also include some of the painted Lutradur and fabric in the above picture.

Our next meeting is in early March so I can get pictures of all the Lutradur creations.

Happy Quilting



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